Wednesday, August 19, 2009

J-music - Buzzer Beat theme song

If you like the Buzzer Beat theme song, you can now click on the track in the playlist to download by clicking the download button. IF it doesnt work, u can also download from here. This album is released on 6th august 2009.

主題歌:B'z イチブトゼンブ [ichibu to zenbu]


meanwhile i am still waiting for the other buzzer beat OST cd compilation to be out, because i want the violin piece often played by Riko - 彼女の夏 which is recorded within. This other album will have 21 tracks within and i have sampled the tracks, and i like it.


ary said...

awesome!! tq 4 da song!

Anonymous said...

awesome!! tq 4 da song!