Saturday, October 16, 2010

Some Updates, P.K, S.S and me:)

Sorry have been silent for so long as I was away for a week and doing some free lance work, that took up more time than I did....also had to spend some time on my Jap studies and esp with a fren who's having some private woes....It's hard to tear myself away but some reality doses here and there is good for me.

Been watching the ongoing series and S.Scandal is positively getting better!!! Now that Kuro's identity has been revealed, and the trial of the "homosexual behaviour" of the accused two has begun...this is gonna be a must watch. Luv to see if the guy finally revealed his liking for the female lead!!

As for Playful Kiss, still watching...still not impressed but dun hate it as much as the start. KHJ is still as eye candilicious but the script seem to be relatively disjointed, to a point of being dispassionate... Firstly there was suppose to be another male senior who confessed his love to Oh Hani, and when u think u could be someone interesting to stir the pot, just as suddenly he enter the scene, his exit was just as sudden without much accountability. It almost made his whole existence pointless if it wasnt for the fact that it leads up to KHJ declaring "Oh Hani will only like me.". errr..alrite dude.

When KHJ overheard Hani's best friends hints that she will be proposed to and she might marry the guy, I didnt quite get why KHJ will be waiting at the bus stop instead of dashing over to the restaurant to stop the proposal. Ok, even if I go along with the notion that Korean man are more MCP and less expressive of their emotions, errr...I couldnt reconcile how he could look so serious at one moment, and suddenly confessing his love and announcement of his intention to mary Oh Hani all in like 5 mins.... If it wasnt that I had the story line so etched in my head, I would have found the entire love progress a preposterous. As for the other high IQ female lead, honestly, I have no idea why the director made her appear as some ditzy head. From a mature serious character, she has swindled to some crazy ha-ha girl who is neither "scheming", "spiteful" nor adorable...No idea whose idea it was to try to turn her to be a little "cutesy" but it doesnt suit her face.

Overall, I feel neither here nor there for Playful Kiss up to ep 14. It's like taking a slow scenic train ride, where I know it will eventually get to the known destination. There are occasional smiles here and there but its about as safe and as exciting it will ever get....KHJ's acting skills has improved. Thre are several scenes where his expressions were rather apt and had me chuckling. Other than that, I am better off rewatching YAB.

Tv Drama aside, been a busy woman!

Firstly, bought myself a cisco router so that I can hook up wireless at home. It was simpler than I expected! Bought another portable backup harddisk too but that's been giving me trouble coz it keep hanging my PC. Sigh.... Bought a new toy and so am off to play with my new Kindle DX! No more waiting for paper backs in HK! Now I can read Jim Butcher's series as soon as it is out!!! Always wanted to have a Kindle but been procrastinating until I realised I have run out of space literally to store any more story books! (Since I dun throw out any books good or bad!)

Currently am also addicted to my Iphone game. Anyone is playing Pocket Frogs & Zombie & plants games on iphone/ ipad? My bro loaned me his ipad and I spent one whole week staying up just to play the zombie games trying to break all levels when I was back visiting my folks! I had a "scolding" from mum of course when she realised I stayed up whole nite till 8am, with my eyes glued to my ipad and not sleeping. I had to stop just to catch a wink so I wouldnt be late for my appointments.... Sigh....

As for footnote....guess what I am going to do during Xmas? Am heading to India! Yup! Off to see Taj Maha and hopefully I wont get sick! Friends have been reminding me to get jabs and stuff... cross fingers!
I heard India is a beautiful place with many lovely architecture and structures. It's about time I explore my own Asia backyard for a change! Well that's all for now my lovely readers. Be back next week!


elisa said...

Hi TvADddict,

Just finished the last episode of PK and I guess I have to say I did/do like its simplicity. If I can erase the "disjointed" episodes, it was a decent run. I like happy endings but it was too much that they have to pair everyone..except Hani's dad. Episode 15 and 16 if I can summarize it with one word would be "CUTE". And I am so glad I love all kinds of cheese because this one definitely had a lot of it. SS501 leader improved in his acting, and yes, a fan-ahjumma like me can't help but smile every time he does his thing. As they say, he has the smile that can light up the whole it as a comment in one of the episodes and couldn't stop laughing.

My new Ipad (the hubby got me the 3G 64GB...lucky me) has the plants versus zombies too. Fun, fun game, the kids and I are so addicted to it. Did you know that if you type FUTURE while playing, the zombies suddenly have cool glasses on? I still prefer the feel of a good book than the ebooks...but yes, we need to de-clutter since space would be a problem eventually. Will need to get used to it.

Anyway, will be in Chicago with little access to drama for almost 3 weeks. Will be a cold Halloween for me and lots of serious work too. Will check back in 3 weeks.

wishing you and all my drama friends well!!

Tvadddict said...

After PL, i asked myself if I liked it. I was hovering between neutral and the end, the only sincere thought was it was Bland. There wasnt alot of roller coaster ride feelings and while the ending episodes got better, it just didnt have the depth to it that I crave. (then what the hell was I expecting from a "shoujo" plot!)

I was laughing at the his smile lighting up the whole NYC. However while it held true at the begining, I didnt quite feel the same towards the end. I still crave his smile but the "Dazzle and kill" impact has considerably lessen for me...Dont get me wrong, he is STILL cute and tops my list of the most charming and desirable smile but somehow this drama made him forgettable for me. It's me...I just cannot get into the characters if I have already half discounted the drama...

Off to side topics...
OMG! really? I gotto try typing future and see for myself! does it do for every mode?

Chicago?! Cold!!! Hope u have a great hols there with lotsa pumpkins, skeletons witches and all:)

jon marc said...

i assume you have encryption implemented on your wireless router. as for your external HDD, you will have better luck if it is directly connected to a USB 2.0 port on your computer. if you use a USB hub, it may not have enough power and will cause intermittent problems.

Tvadddict said...

hey jon,

Thanks for the advice! sorry alittle late in response.

Well, I didnt use any USB port, it's plug direct but there is something wrong with the western digital My Book hdd. It keeps crashing my WIns7 and now my PC has become soooo unstable that it refuse to boot after the failure to update firmware. So now I have to reinstall my whole PC! Nitemnare!!!

Any tips?

jon marc said...

there are some interesting problems reported on the internet regarding win7 and your ext HDD. one of the simpler solutions involved replacing the long WD-USB cable with a shorter standard USB 2.0 cable. have you tried that before? you can email me at if you like. i do IT tech support.