Thursday, May 28, 2009

Atashinchi no Danshi Episode 07 Review

Am pretty sleepy so dont have time to correct the spelling nor sentence structure for now. Enjoy the summary! [watch alt Pandora]

Atashinchi no Danshi 07 Summary
[アタシんちの男子 7話:急接近にドキッ!]


Chisato made Daikon Miso soup as usual but when she cherrfully headed to the dining room, she was disappointed with an empty room. "Guess everyone really left.."

Just then Takeru came in through the door and helped himself to the soup! A surprised Chisato asked didnt he already leave? Takeru told her no, he has just gone to do delivery work. to the politician house. Shou walked in through the door next and started complaining about the last client he had who was pissed drunk and vomitted all over him, and then he spotted the soup and happily head straight for the bowl.

"What is this all about? I thought everyone has left!" Chisato commented.
"How can it be? We are the same people who disowned our dad (shinzo) but refused to leave you know. So how can we leave here so easily?" Shou honestly shared.
"hey! Aint you insulting me?" Takeru asked.
"It's not a little. It's a HUGE insult, you leeching parasite." Shou retorted.
At that, Takeru rise to the "insult" and both started bickering as usual while Chisato started to smile and laugh at them. Both guys turned around and snapped concurrently "What are you laughing at!"

Chisato replied happily that it was nothing, just that she thinks nothing has changed it seems and Takeru affirmed of course.

While arm wrestling with Inoue, Dakeru let on that its still unbelievable that Fuu is not adopted son and Chisato listening on got a shock and asked wasnt everyone adopted? Dakeru said that was what everyone thought. "Afterall even that fellow had said so himself" Takeru added.

"Why would he lie about something like that?" Chisato pondered aloud.
"prob coz his father didnt acknowledge him as his own flesh and blood" Shou said as he struggle to beat Inoue. As he lost, Shou added that Fuu had shared that his own existence had been totally negated. Dakeru said that was the reason for Fuu's hatred towards his father.

When Sato walked in with Akira, Chisato beat Inoue (to her shock) easily w/o any effort and warmly welcomed them back home. Sato said he had fallen asleep while eating out. He asked for Masaru and Takeru said prob at work.

Truth was, Masaru was on his own "mission". As he reread his scroll on the bus, it said "Let's dicuss your life before u came to Okura household. You were 7 yrs old then. Both your parents perish in a fire at home. Perhaps your memory of that has already turned cloudy but your younger sister knows it all. It's abt time you know the truth of your parents death. Your sis is living at a place nearby your old place."

(meanwhile Inoue left a message she has left on a trip, shou said because she lost to chisato. Also, Chisato friend was roped in as part time help by her while Inue was gone)

Akira walked in with an envelop for (good looking) dance competition. He told chisato friend to send it by tomorrow as it was the dateline.

At the bowling alley, Chisato was with the lawyer to ask about Fuu's matter. and if he was really the real son and why he was treated as adopted. Apparently Fuu was son of Shinzo son with a hostess and hence Fuu felt that Shinzo despise him. Chisato asked if it was true but she did not reply. Meanwhile the secretary showed up and explained the reason why Shinzo wanted the sons to face their past and cross that "obstacle", hence request them to leave the castle.

Meanwhile, the brothers are dressing Akira up preparin for the contest. Takeru saw the scroll hanging on Akira neck and wanted to find out its content.

Masaru arrived at his own place and rem the fire incident. He met a stranger who said actually all could have been saved as stranger had heard from his daughter.

AT home, Akira fell asleep habitually as predicted at 9pm sharp. The brothers "stole" the scroll. Akira muttered "Mum" in his sleep. Akira's scroll read "When you are 5, your mum suddenly disappeared right? W/o a father, you didnt know what happen and kept waiting for her return and almost starved to death. But your mum must have her reason, so please forgive her." The brothers then pondered that it has nothing to do with the competition, and that Akira prob want to find out why he was abandoned...etc However Chisato held a different view that perhaps Akira just purely only wanted to see his mum. "How can it be?" Takeru said but Chisato shared what she overheard Akira said in his sleep. Sato commented Akira is only 12yrs old.... Shou asked Takeru the man of miracles what to do next.

The next day, they decided for Akira that Sato will teach Akira magic!! Sato appeared coolly displaying his tricks and Masaru will take care of Akira's image. So Masaru started to train Akira in modelling walks as well. Chisato tasked her friends to look for Akira's mum but no news.

In the garden with Shou, he asked what was in the paper bag. Fuu appeared and said its prob not a chanced meeting. Chisato happily took out a pink gun from the paper bag and asked for a favor. She said it was an incomplete product by Shinzo and hoped Fuu could finished it. Fuu asked why should it had the necessary qualifications and she believed it. After Fuu's probing, Chisato finally confessed actually that was an excuse and she just wanted him to return home.

"It's because if I am not back, you cannot fulfil your mother's 10 commandment?" Fuu said.
Chisato shook her head and replied it has nothing to do with that. "One can say that if u come home, I would rather destroy that contract." she added. Shou listened on in shock!

"I'm sorry but can u just go back." Fuu said when rejecting her favor to finished the "rubbish" product. Chisato tried to convince him again but he flung the thing off. Fuu angrily said she knew about his birth right, but that person does not accept him. If other people know Shinzo had a son with hostess, his image(shinzo's) will be tarnished. Chisato tried to interject that Shinzo san never had that idea but Fuu cut her off.

"Dont u get it? In order to protect one self,other people's life are insignificant. This IS THE TRUE face of Okura Shinzo" Fuu said in anger. Chisato angrily retorted that he should not jump to conclusion without firming the facts. "You are the one who feared the truth and hence escape isnt it?" She shot back at him and left. Shou jokingly said to fuu she is such busybody but then said seriously that she is right, dad is not a bad person, from his (shou's) personal experience.
After Shou left, "Why didnt you take it back?" Fuu said.

At home, Chisato friend realise he had washed the contest application form and didnt send it, missing the dateline. Dakeru was upset because if Akira could have seen his mum thru the contest, it would have change a little bit. Sato meanhile asked masaru about his trip as he had seen masaru left with the scroll, but Masaru continued to lie and Sato let him be, saying its meaningless to force a happy front in his own home.

While the rest fret about Akira's lost hope, Masaru appeared and Sato had an idea! (Masaru used his connection to join Akira in another contest) Chisato rem something and left.

At bowling alley, Fuu asked the lawyer for the truth as to why he was adopted by shinzo.
"When you were 10yr, that was the first time Shinzo heard about your existence from your mum?" she said. However Fuu said he was already 15 when he went to Shinzo;s house.

"Initially, your mum only wanted financial assistance, but when u were 15, your mum suddenly wanted to transfer your custody to shinzo san. at that time, your mum said her bf hated kids and she was hesitant as it affect her marriage." the lawyer said. Fuu decided that so he was no liked by both sides after all...

"Shinzo san loved u from the bottom of his heart" the lawyer said.
"the one who wanted that was your mum" she said to his shock.
"If it was found out that he has a 15yrold illegitimate son, it would cause an uproar with the exe board and media. However Shinzo was prepared to host a media reception to announce this matter but your mum had no intention to get swept into this troublesome mess and hence ask u to be adopted instead. Shinzo was emotionally distress about the fact he couldnt acknowledge you. This is the truth." The laywer said to a surprised Fuu. He looked at the pink product and formed a thought.

That night, Chisato told Shou what he did and he asked why she go thru so much effort for someone that is not blood related. Chisato said she had once asked the same question to shinzo amd if shou rem the pink gun. Shinzo replied that was his happiness. "At that time, I didnt understd a word but since my mum passed on and I was alone, and came to the castle, seeing Sato and masaru overcome their fear, i slowly becaome happy. To be able to cry and laugh like that, it has nothing to do with blood relations." Then she prayed for Akira and Shou looked at her and laughed along.

The next day, the rest of the brothers "asked" Akira to prepare for the contest show. They saw the balloon with the message for Akira;s mum, who happen to see the message as intended for.
As Akira froze on stage, Takeru suddenly appeared with the band playing music supporting him. With that Akira got into the magic act, and bubbles appeared! Shou was creating an atmosphere with the pink gun and Chisato happily realised Fuu had completed the product!!! Fuu was walking alone and smiling to himself.

At the end of show, Akira's act showed a banner that wishes his mum Happy Birthday. Sato showed a victory sign to Akira as the crowd cheered on. Masaru clapped bu looked mildly troubled. Akira's mum appeared at a distant at the back of the crowd watching Akira without his knowledge.

After the act, the group walked happily together. Masaru suddenly blurt that he had recently seen his younger sister and explained about the fire incident. As he cannot rem so he went to ask his sister. Apparently, the whole family could have been saved, but Masaru had returned back to the fire scene to retrieve his fav toy. His parents rushed in to save him and hence he felt he had killed his parents for they would have been saved otherwise. He then apologised for saying all that, even though he didnt know why he did, but as he saw all of them then, his heart was feeling gradually heavier and hence everything came out.

Chisato looked at him and thanked him for sharing. "you are wrong. U didnt kill your parents. Its because you HAVE parents and hence you were saved" Shou corrected him. The rest of the brothers cheered him on in their own way and words. "We have completely understand and felt your pain." Chisato said to him, and everyone move forward to playfully punch him. Just then, Chisato got a call that Akira;s mum called!

At home, chisato's friend relay the message that mum said she had seen the message and about setting up a meeting. However, Akira shouted that he didnt want to see her. Takeru then said they all understand why, everyone present that is. Then the lawyer gave carnation bouquet to Akira as a gift for his mum';s birthday.

Fuu told the secretary that he had decided, as Shinzo's son, he is declaring war. He will no longer do the secretary'sbidding. when he left, the sec call and said "that matter, its about time to start action."
In the living room, the phone rang and they sat it to loud speaker mode. Akira mum said she saw his act but she is leaving Japan soon. Akira was shock. She said real sorry and goodbye.

Takeru took over and yelled "what do u mean sorry, what do u mean goodbye? Akira had really wanted to see you, cant you let him see you? Please, please, just see him, this guy tried so hard! Please, if you dont have time, he can go over to see you! So please, cant you just see him? "

"Akira, please take care of him." Then the mum hung up. Akira hung up the phone and said he has homework to do.

"You dont have to pretend to be strong. If you feel like crying, just cry! If you are angry, then just vent it out. Because this is YOUR house!" Chisato sadly told Akira. At that, Takeru slam on the phone and cried. Akira turned around.

Why are you angry? Shou asked. Takeru was not happy because Akira had tried his best and doesnt that deserve a reward? Everyone started to cry and feel the "injustice". Shou stormed out saying it was plain stupid.

Just then, Akira gave the flowers to Chisato., She said it wasnt her birthday but Akira said it was for mother;s day. "its a bit late" he said. Chisato hugged him and tearfully said he was "cunning"... At that moment, Fuu happily barged into the room declaring he is home. He took in the scene and asked why was everyone crying. Dakeru asked him to shut up and some sand got into his eyes.

Shou reentered and welcome Fuu and Fuu asked even he was cryng?!! Shou denied and said it was yawning.... Akira fell asleep at 9pm and dakeru said who are they cryng for! They all started to laugh!!!

" You people sure are busy to be both crying and laughing!" Fuu said.
"You will be the same in futuyre!" Shou said and Fuu laughed.
Akira moved and almost fell. Shou and Chisato rushed fwd to catch him!

Chisato and Shou were facing each other almost touching. Just then, chisato friend who was cleaning bumped Shou forward. Shou ended up kissing Chisato to the shock of everyone present!!!

つぎ: Episode 8


Ran said...

Thank you again for the detail summary, it helps alot XD

TvADddict said...

Most welcomed! Glad more people can enjoy the drama epi as much as I did!

Sherry said...

THANK U SO MUCH!! I was watching the raw and getting all excited and desperate wondering what they are saying until I went soompi and know about your summary! Thanks for your hardwork! Please keep it up!

Unknown said...


I just came by to wish you a great weekend.

Greetings from the netherlands

TvADddict said...

Thanks Newilé!! And a great week ahead to you too!! :)