Wednesday, November 11, 2009

arrrrggghhhh..prelude to YAB ep 11

I am soooo dead... after watching this preview for tonight's episode...the last scene kept swirling in my head. That sort of impatient anticipating feeling...arrrggghhh it feels like when u are having a bad constipation...

People on the streets must think I am an utter idiot. I was listening to the YAB's OST and the preview trailer kept popping into my head, so i just instinctively laughed and smiled to myself out of the blue. A few guys turned ard to stare at me - the strange woman and I couldnt care less. my whole head was filled with T.K and M.N.... *walking on clouds*

Can this be diagnosed as pure obsession, or an incurable addiction to the head has gone to mush... I cannot think straight any more. I'm done for, I soooooo cannot study for my paper tonight... *whimpering pathetically*

This is such a terrible torture...why oh why do I have so little control and unable to resist watching the trailer....sob sob...such an affliction...Not to mention I have to confess to rewatching the trailer so many times!!!!! Arrrrggghhhh....I will never be the same till the drama is over. *but i dont want it to be over soooo soooooon! wailing.....*

Ok..enuff sprouting of my nonsense...I just needed to let it out.
I am counting down...counting down to the hours when I can see my Hyung nim again....


elisa said...

WHAAAAH!!! Was so busy this week, my hubby flew last Monday for NY and left a list of tasks to be done before he arrives Friday night. I crammed 5 days activities to 2 1/2 days to have peace and quiet for my dose of YAB. Now, that I finally had a chance to watch episodes 9/10, I was opening tabs one after another...first viikii (since it takes a longer time to download) and then opened your blog to listen to the music. Saw prelude to YAB, not reading you comments...stupid, stupid me pressed play in the preview. ARRRGGGHHH!!! should have been warning enough to me but no...too curious, too excited...and yes too stupid...without watching 9/10...had to look at preview 11. Now serves me right if I won't be able to sleep tonight. Now confused...yes curious....excited and feel so stupid. will catch up with you soon enough after I replay episode 11 preview.. again...WHAAAAH!!! and again...and again ARRRRGGGHHH!!! WHAAAAAAAAH!!! (oh, by the way, my screams are muffled by a pillow...just put the boys to sleep. was so hoping i could let it out too)

tvadddict said...

sorry but I am laughing pretty hard u have fallen into the "trap" as well of watching the trailer and now too curious to sleep...

Make sure you watch ep 11 with a pillow nearby because I was screaming away towards the we dont want your boys to complain to daddy now saying you ruin their sleep! haaa :P