Monday, November 29, 2010

K-drama: Secret Garden Episode 6 Summary and Review

Ok...they have officially kissed! However, it isnt the romantic full of passion kiss. It's a little awkward trying to figure out how to write the summary with JW's thots in Ra Im's body so I decided to describe them as the "New Ra Im and New Joo Woo" respectively. - refering to their new swopped bodies.

Korean drama: Secret Garden Recap Ep 6

The chapter begins with both JW and RI in shock over their new bodies! Not knowing what to do, the new JW ( aka RI) sneaked out of the house while the new RI dashed (aka  JW) out of the sauna house without paying. When they finally caught up with each other. The real JW in RI body, demanded to know what RI had done to result in this and RI grumbled if he must blame her for everything that goes wrong! Realising it will be bad if others see them behaving like this, the real JW suggested  that they headed to the park where it was more secluded to try to sort things out. However, they bumped into the director and the new JW was stunned at the smarty mouth behavior of the new RI towards the directer.

The new JW (RI) kept apologising to the director and scolded the new RI (JW) for talking the way she did to the director. The director quite frankly not quite sure of what was happening grabbed RI's hand and told her to leave with him. Panicking, the new JW grabbed the their hand and stopped them from leaving. The new JW (RI) pleaded with the director, but the director insisted. The new RI (JW)also panicked and asked out loud if the new JW is going to let her go, and let her leave with another man like that! the director and YS looked on in surprise? The new JW (RI) had no choice but to yell LET HER GO! The new JW (RI) said that he had already said RI is in his care as a prize winner and the director retorted that RI is his family. The new JW (RI) said he knew and always been grateful, but still he wants RI to leave with him and he will assure that RI will appear on the shooting set. The director looked at the bickering pair departing in puzzlement.

Alone, the real RI in JW body suggested to go to the hospital to see the doctor about it. The real JW snorted and asked if anyone will believe them? The real RI suggested a series of options like goin to the temple etc and the real JW in RI body rolled his eyes and asked what is her IQ level? Finally, the real RI suggested a kiss since that is always what happen in storybooks and maybe a kiss will help revert the bodies.

The new JW (RI) leaned forward tentatively and gave the new RI (JW) a quick kiss. JW (in RI's body) exclaimed what a lame kiss that was and grabbed JW's head and gave him a deep long kiss.

Both of them was kinda absorbed in the kiss only for the real JW to quickly tear herself away. Realising the kiss didnt revert the body exchange, JW was exasperated. The real JW questioned RI's motive is this is such an excuse for her to grab a chance to kiss him.

At the same time, the strange lady from Secret Garden reverted into a man!!! He looked at JW and RI's image appearing from a jug of water, and muttered that he was sorry to do this to them but everything he did is for his daughter!

Meanwhile, still bickering, JW and RI ran into Oska who is with a bunch of TV station people. Oska happy to see RI leaned over to hug her, only to be shocked by the rough treatment by RI. At the same time, the new JW kept apologising to Oska, who turned to ask if JW is unwell due to his very strange behavior!

Oska was off to shoot the new MV while RI and JW tried to figure out what to do. The real RI forbid JW to look at her body and demanded that the new RI (JW) has to change her clothes with her eyes shut. The new RI (JW) was struggling to wear the bra, and in typical egocentric JW style, the new RI got fed up and threw the bra away, complaining its difficult and he wont wear it! The new JW(RI) glared and demonstrated how to wear a bra, while making a snide remark that JW should be familiar with bra since he must have taken alot off! The real JW retorted that taking bras off are so easy in comparison putting them on! The real JW then sat the (new) JW down to help him shave but the (new) JW said she is fine since she has to shave herself, The real JW exclaimed really and asked where but the real RI ignored him.

At the MV shooting scene, JW and RI appeared together. The new JW kept apologising for the new RI's rude behavior to the director. The director asked why should JW be apologising (or better put,), butting into their (action school) business. The new RI told the director they have to talk privately, and left the team. Worried, the new JW grabbed the hair wig from one of the guys and followed the new RI and director.

Alone, the director said he too wanted to give RI a chance since she seem really keen to try out in the MV but her behavior has been disappointing and she blew her own chance away. So since she is only here to watch as a bystander, that will be all she gets. However, the new RI smiled secretly to herself before turning around and point blank asked the director "I have discovered it. You like me dont you?" pointing to herself. The director was stunned by this open frankness and before he can react further, he spotted JW at the background acting suspiciously. The new JW tried to eavesdrop but couldnt hear a thing, so he can only bow to the director apologetically as the director stormed off (in embarrassment?)...thw new JW demanded to know what the new RI had said that made the director's face look so weird? The new RI said she is tired and let head back to the hotel room.

At the shooting set, the new JW was giving out coffee and Oska appeared. When Oska find JW talking funnily and acting strange, he reach out to grab JW's face to see if he is having fever. However, the new JW shyly look away and lifted his legs, much to the puzzlement of Oska and the observant director who spotted the move.

Meanwhile, Oska did proceed with the MV shoot despite his reluctance to work with his ex gf Yoon Seul. However, YS demanded countless NG repeat of the shot and outright asked Oska if he had never felt that sort of helpless emotion of a man losing the woman he loved? Oska refused to submit to her questioning openly said nope, he has never felt that way. YS was taken back by that brutal answer and told Oska then she will explain to him how it felt to be jilted and ditch by someone you love. She went on to describe the torment and pain, where one cannot eat nor sleep, where even sleeping is hell. To the jilted, 365 is hell and everyday is hell.All the jilted person can think is how to cope with facing the new reality of having to treat a loved one like a stranger, and how not to die. And the only thought of not dying is so that there is a chance to see the exlover again. The sort of feeling where you feel like your whole heart is ripped from your body and you cannot breathe when u break up. So ask yourself, why do you want to stop your love on from leaving, how worried and uneasy you will feel. Do you understand?.

Hearing all that made Oska uncomfortable as he knew what YS was driving at. Not wanting to face her, Oska choose to leave in anger and said he doesnt want to shoot anymore. At the same time, the new JW who was observing in the background took the whole scene in.

Alone by herself, YS was surprised to see JW joining her offering a cup of hot beverage. YS assured JW that it was no big deal and it is a norm for the actors to conflict with the producer and its nothing personal. The new JW said he is here merely because she understand what YS had said earlier. YS apologised for not sharing with JW that she had known Oska before during the arranged marriage meetin. The new JW (RI) remarked to herself "So you guys have gone on arranged marriage..." JW asked then Oska is the guy in the story YS has mentioned earlier? YS continued to probed about Ra Im. YS said she doesnt question that RI is suppose to be dating Oska and yet is having a meal with JW before walking off. (and so JW shouldnt ask so much ) The new JW muttered to herself that these rich people sure think differently.

In the room, the new RI (JW) asked the new JW where on earth he had gone. New JW asked if the real JW had gone on a arranged marriage meeting with YS? Caught off guard, the real JW retorted so what? And that YS likes him and no woman do not like him. The real Ra Im said YS doesnt like him and she can tell being a woman. However the real JW said its the director that likes RI. The real RI told JW that the director is nice to everyone as he treat them like family.  The new JW started to leave and said Oska is waiting. The new RI stopped him and asked if RI is soooo eager to sleep in the same room with guys? Is Oska your family the the real JW aka new RI quizzed?

The real Ri retorted isnt it more strange if others seen JW and Ri sleeping in the same room? The new JW kicked RI and muttered there is nothing to see anycase and the new RI yelled after him "You have seen it havent you!!"

In the room, the new JW was stunned to see Oska coming out of shower and screamed a sissy scream. He passed oska a robe and Oska said he wont be fooled as he kno it was JW doing that the schedule with RI was switched to shooting MV. The new JW swore it wasnt him and Oska laughed saying that he hasnt seen JW like this for a long time , finally acting like his little brother again ever since that unfortunate incident... Oska patted JW on his chest and JW screamed! Just then , the new RI appeared.

The new RI asked to stay in the same room and the new JW tried to stop her, asking her to leave. Oska said its fine. The new RI (aka the real JW) decide to toy with / pay back the real RI (in JW body) and turn on the cute girly charm and look sweetly at Oska, calling him oppa. The new JW panicked and kept insisting that RI isnt that sort of girl!!! but the new RI said she is and doesnt Oska want her to be here. Oska said of course not, he welcome her. The new RI muttered it sure is easy to be a woman. The new JW couldnt take it and left the room, however alone, the new RI turned "nasty" again and treated Oska with disdain when Oska's playboy persona surfaced.

That nite, alone in her room, despite repeated reminders against seeing her body, the new RI (JW) decided to see RI's body just that once. He sucked in his breath and look down as he lifted the t-shirt, only to be shocked to see bruises and scars all over Ra Im's body.....the real JW in Ra Im's body sighed to himself...

Next morning. both arer disappointed to still be in swopped bodies. The new JW(RI) jumped ard in frustration in the toilet (soooo cute!!! I love Hyun bin like a little boy!!!!)

The new RI (JW) went to find JW and asked what to do. Then he asked where was Oska and both discovered the note that Oska said he had left. The new RI (JW) was pissed, cursing at Oska and as to what about the shopping mall activities! Pissed at his cousin irresponsible behavior, the new RI (JW) said she is heading for shower. Hearing that, the real RI was stunned and asked where is the new RI heading!! The new RI (JW) turned ard and scorned at the real Ra Im and asked her "What is there to see, esp how can this be a woman body when everywhere is full of bruises?!" The new RI (JW) lifted up the T-shirt to prove his point.

The new JW (RI) screamed if JW is crazy and dashed forth as struggled to keep the shirt down. As both of them tussled together and with JW wrapping himself round Ra Im, YS walked in and was flabberghasted to see the 2 entangled together in a compromising position!!! Both JW and RI looked up in shock as well!


Rewarded myself with this episode after few hours of study. I love how Hyun Bin tried to act like a little helpless boy and a little sissy. He is just so full of himself that even in a new body..really! His self arrogance takes the cake! It's so funny seeing him squirming when he wanted to pee.! and the way he find wearing a bra a chore and just want to walk ard without it! Not to mention him saying "taking it off is easy but must is it so difficult to put the bra on!"haaa.

More mysteries are thrown in...wondered what happened to JW when he was younger to cause that character change...and who is that mysterious guy who can concoct such potion? Ra Im's dad??? Why does the dude have such magical power ? Suspense suspense... I adooooore secrets like this!

Now that JW and RI destinies are irrevocably intertwined....I really look forward to the next scenes. How will the director react to RI since he thinks that RI has seen thru his feelings? how will they go back to their daily lives ?

Ahhhhh..its another week long will I pull thru?!!! Anyone else on board ep 6 yet?


Nonie Diaz said...

thanks for the summary, since I only watch it in raw and I don't understand Korean, you summary help me more to understand the series. Just like you I am dying to watch the next episode.

Tvaddict said...

Hi Nonie, Thanks and welcome! I wish I could be more detailed about the conversations but a little short on time here. I prob will add in more details after wed, so come back again if you do not mind rereading the synopsis.