Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Coffee House Ep 18 Recap and Review

Finally finished watching last episode of Coffee House Ep 18. I think it wraps up pretty well, nice with touching scenes. My fav scene was actually the part where JS had a chat with SY in her cafe. It was heart warming, sincere and touching.

Coffee House Ep 18 Summary

The ep starts with SY calling the barrister, asking if he is attending EY and JW's wedding ceremony? He said yes and she asked if he could help give "red packet" to the couple on behalf as she couldnt attend. However he told her she can save it as the wedding ceremony is now chaotic and a mess, and came to a complete stop.

At the wedding venue, EY process the scene before her, the shattered plates, sobbing mum and police crawling all over. Her mum sobbingly asked how could JS do such a thing, esp when they know each other so well... Meanwhile her staff update her on the incident, saying that its not simple as the publisher who got bashed up had asked along some reporters due to the upcoming signing of contract with JS. Thus the media is rapidly ablaze reporting the physical violence incident. EY's staff continued that JS is not with any publishing house and thus it is impertinent that they should protect him regardless. Taking in every detail of the situation, EY started yelling and shocked everyone as she screamed "He is such a jerk! Rubbish! Unbelievable!" She then asked where JS is and as she rushed out, she saw him being escorted into the police car. As she stared at him, JS just gave her a weak smile. After the car drove away, EY immediately instructed her staff to contact the company lawyer and find out the status of the injury. As she is alone, she mmumbled" So this is your way of helping me to find a solution huh..."

JW went into the resting room at the venue and looked for EY. He couldnt find her and went searching for her, only to be told she had left with the publishing company staff.

At the police station, JS searched the Internet and muttered "why is it only such picture?" SY went to visit J asking how could he do such a thing.. In the room, JS said he only  wanted her respect and his heart is breaking. Sy pressed on asking why did he do such a thing, if there wasnt any other solution and the guy will take 8 weeks to recover. JS asked what about his female fans and exasperated SY  asked how could he be thinking of that now? JS then whispered he is short of money and SY asked if the rumours about him owning debt is true? JS went on to convince SY that he is in dire straits now, where can he get all the money to deal with the compensation etc. Then he hinted he could try to write a book, with an interesting concept like some "island"...SY was alittle slow on the uptake and then she realised what he was hinting at. Eventually even though she was much reluctant, she asked if he was referring to her novel idea and JS jumped on it and aske if she would give it to him. With much difficulty, SY said she will give him and JS asked really? She said seeing that there was no other way to help him, she has to and JS yelled reprimanding at her for being so silly and as if he would really need to steal the work of some novice? SY was visibly affected and asked if he has to be like that?

EY arranged with the lawyer and visited JS at the station. The lawyer started to explain the situation doesnt look good as it was hot media news now. Ey stared at him suspiciously and then gave it to him straight that he has ruined his own future, and the writers association is even considering to strip him off the writer list. She asked if JS thinks the bashed up guy will agree to settle?  He has only 3 choices .  Either 1. he said a disadvantageous contract that will exploit him to write hundred of low grade crappy novel, 2. He get strike off as a writer and has to hide in the background forever or 3. He get sued and risk being bankrupt. The lawyer tried to diffuse the tension saying that the situation may not be that bad. However he will need to ascertain some facts first such as any debt or drug problems. JS slipped a paper over, explaining that the person on the paper will give all the evidence JS has collected from the trap he set, exposing all the dirty tricks and underhand exploitation of new writers that the bashed up publisher has done. The lawyer asked but why did he go to such an extent? JS looked at EY and said "because I am a jerk, a rubbish." Ey asked the lawyer to excuse them.

Alone, she asked JS for an explanation, reasons as a brilliant writer. Js agreed and started.
1. It is to stop the unconvincing wedding
2. It is to stop EY from becoming one of those boring dead end female character in stories.
3. No matter what, it is my responsibility for this violent incident
4. If I fail completely, you will be very sad and will look for a way to escape the wedding
5. Even if you are to find a scapegoat, you will need a proper worthy guy to do so
6. Because of EY, I have done something that I will never do in my entire life.
7. Because I love you.

Hearing that heartfelt confession, EY started to cry without a word as she looked at JS seated opposite her.
The lawyer peeked in and asked if he could come in now but sensing the atmosphere, he quietly retreated.

At the agency, SY was relieved to hear that the matter of JS will be solved without complications. Just then, JW appeared from the office and asked Sy to join him  for a drink. Privately, JW confided to Sy about his uneasiness when JS didnt leave as expected. Just as he wondered why didnt JS do anything, in the end, that bastard still created a huge commotion.

"I had asked him to leave." JW told a surprised SY. "You didnt know rite?" JW looked at her as he continued to drink. Why Sy asked him. " Do you know the ring you were wearing before, who was it for?" Sy said she didnt know. JW revealed it was for EY and Sy was totally shocked. JW explained that was why he told JS to leave since EY didnt seem to know. However JS didnt leave and the end result is this. He said Sy prob think EY wont leave him but he felt it that she would. Because she had tried her hardest. Even so, that made him even more uneasy, where his happiness is mixed with uneasiness. He asked if she knew such a complex feeling? SY remained silent though she looked like she was about to cry.

At home, SY watched the news of JS's arrest and updates and thought to herself. Meanwhile Ey returned to office and as she saw JW who greeted her saying she is late, and what is happening to JS? She sat down facing him. From her expression and silence, JW knew what was coming even though EY didnt say a word. He leaned forward said " Do u want to say something to me?" The scene changed to SY's house.

The next day, as EY stared into the empty office of JW, she recalled their conversation the nite prior. JW said they are now even, once per person, they are at draw now. As he started to cry, he asked her what is this? "I am asking you, what does all this mean?" JW asked and started to sob broken heartedly. EY looked on at him helplessly and wordlessly.

At the station, Ey and lawyer met JS again. JS said in jest that there sure were many visitors today. They spotted JS was injured and someone had hurt him. JS said it didnt matter. EY excused the lawyer again and asked  if HE was here. JS replied that He was much more calm than expected but had told him that JS will be sued and to be mentally prepared. EY said he is just made but isnt ruthless. JS said that is what he expected as he is in no position to say otherwise.

Then JS looked at the contract and read out his and her name. He started to say perhaps he should write 30volumes, one every 2 years, and they will be 90yrs by then. He questioned when should the first novel complete? Can he finish by end of the year. If he must wait, he will for everything to be sorted out. Ey listened on amazed and surprised. JS continued "let's make the date as 24th dec." He signed and passed it to her. "From now to death, at least we are related/ contracted as A and B again ." JS said with a smile. Dont be too happy as I will watch you like a hawk she said. "Let's shake hand to seal the deal" JS said.  As Ey reached out and shook his hand, JS whipped out a ring and slipped it into her wedding finger., "To commemorate the signing of our contract ." JS said. EY was shocked. JS joking said there isnt much time left after his release and he will have to write like mad to fulfil the dateline. EY asked where will he be? He said to a place where there are no koreans due to the his current fame. EY looked at him hesitantly. JS said "Xmas eve. Dont forget." Ey looked up and smiled. Both of them sat across the table and looked at each other with their renewed promise.

SY was at the cafe when the door bells rang and a familiar figure appeared. Sy was stunned at his appearance. As she recalled their very first meeting, she asked if he is released? JS asked isnt it tiring to work by day and man the cafe by nite and she said she is accustomed to it. She made him coffee in his special glass and JS looked on and smiled. As he took a smile, SY asked isnt he gonna spit it out? He smiled and said she isnt his secretary anymore and he cannot do as he pleased. Guess it still isnt up to your taste SY remarked.

"Are you leaving tmw?" Sy asked. JS asked how did she guessed and SY replied she I knew he would come. "Not bad, You are developing much foresight/insight ability." JS teased her. Sy said she learnt from the news about the long term contract he had signed with Ey and JS broke into a fake complaint "I think I made a horrible mistake! It isnt a long term contract! It's a life contract! For life! Guess i got tricked by her sweet words" As he laughed, SY said congratulations. JS paused and said for what? SY struggled and said "didn you just said I had developed some insight?" JS kept quiet and gave a helpless chuckle and said "I am sorry" solemnly. Sy said it;'s ok but she started to cry as her tears fell uncontrollably. JS looked on at her quietly as she struggled with her own heartbreak. No matter how hard SY tried to hold back her tears, she couldnt stop and finally she broke down completely. JS drank his coffee silently as he watched over her, letting her run through her sadness.

"Have your finished crying". As she confirmed yes, he looked at his watch and commented "You cried for  an hour." Sy thanked him for sitting there an hour to accompany her as she cried it out. JS told her watching her cry almost made him forget his purpose for being there. He had something for her. As he slipped the envelope to her, he teased her that he was worried that she wont be able to marry by 40 without publishing her book, so he is helping to shave off 5 years for her. He had bought her an open ticket for a year, to the destination of her novel, not to confirm or invent her imagination, but to get more inspiration as she discover another "world", and so she can complete her dream in 5 years.

There, how is it? Dont you respect me even more now, the most respected in the world. JS joked with her. Yes she said  and continued, "You are right, one truly need to pay a price to persist, and hold on to one's belief. I think you made the right decision/judgement." JS smiled and said she is the only one who approved of what he has done. Sy smiled and said "Aint I the greatest? The best secretary in the world's history?" JS recalled their earlier encounters years back, at how she had first pleaded him for the job assuring him that she will be a very good professional secretary despite his rejections. JS broke into a smile again and replied sincerely, "Yes, indeed the world's best. Even if I had only had one." JS chuckled. As SY said goodbye to JS, the scene showed the coffee mug was left empty. JS has finally finished every drop of teh coffeee SY has made.

After JS left, SY thot to herself:
"That day, for that moment i will always rem, it was the time I flipped past my page one."

Xmas eve arrived. Sy was rushing off to the island of her novel idea. The writer's association directors visited EY in her office as they heard they are meeting JS. They then told her, to encourage JS to continue writing and not let the "evil" publisher hinder his talent. Ey tried to hide back her grin as unknown to them was the Xmas deal struck privately between EY and JS...

SY rushed off to board the plane. The barrister came to fetch her. SY dad said that he still has approved / like him, but the barrister good naturedly said he is only sending Sy to the airport.

On board, she was more determined to be the writer and she "imagined" the scene between JS and EY. Meanwhile, Ey turned up at JS apartment and they smiled at each other. As for JW, he has renewed his "charm" and wasted no time to go after the blond colleague who was single. The episode ends merrily with everyone going after what make them happy.


Anonymous said...

hey there! that was a very disturbing ending. a lot of things happened. but since its a eunsoo ending, im happy with it.thank you for this =)


reverie said...

not happy with the ending. I'm stuck with standard drama line. not watching the last 2 episode.

tvadddict said...

yeah i know what both of u mean...its a very weak ending that frankly was a little disappointing after all the climate buildup. It was bordering on cheesy actually but oh well, it has to be a happy ending but if only a better one

and thks shna:)

Anonymous said...

in my ending,
JS should let it wedding go and back to his town or other country.

it can continue coffee house part 2.
with sectary.