Monday, August 30, 2010

Playful kiss Teaser 2

I am sooo anticipating for Playful kiss to air! I think (well its a secret wish) that KHJ will do well here to win over critics of his last performance. I dont think he is a bad actor in flower boys, I just think the role wasnt a good role in there. They made him too hopefully in here, he can have more expressions like being annoyed, being pissed, being amused with a dash of romantic dreaminess etc etc....essentially being more "realistic" a character.

I am definitely looking forward to being entertained. Afterall it is adapted from a a manga and so I am preparing to be indulge myself like I would reading a comic. I love this 2nd teaser more than the first because it showed a wider range of KHJ's expressions. How can he still be sooooooo charming even if he is yelling at Hani? LOL...

Source Credit: Abstract from Hancinema

About the question regarding his somewhat delayed comeback to acting after "Boys over Flowers", Kim answered, "I had performed very hard as a singer so far by releasing an album". He added, "Before taking this role, I was worried about how I can play a high school student because I am already 25 years old. But I had been informed that the production director Hwang In-roi would direct this drama, so I applied to have an audition and earned the role of a high school student. While acting, I am trying to speak as aggressively as possible. I sometimes have to shout and show a disheveled appearance in the drama, so I might be able to present more interesting acting than I did in 'Boys over Flowers'."

Kim Hyun-joong, who belongs to the group SS501, had been caught up in controversy over his acting ability due to his rather inaccurate pronunciation. He said, "I am practicing speaking while biting a cork stopper to create more accurate pronunciation. I still feel ashamed when people call me an actor. I am acting as an actor, but it is still more natural for me to stand on the stage as a singer. As I am trying very hard to acquire qualifications to become a real actor, I think that I might be able to say confidently that I am an actor someday in the future. I will be happy if I can hear people's evaluation saying, 'He put more effort on acting in this drama than when he appeared in 'Boys over Flowers'."

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